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.Projects and Papers

A collection of projects I completed and papers I wrote as part of my college coursework

Effect of leaf litter composition and depth on the early success of
the invasive grass, Brachypodium sylvaticum

This paper was written as a conclusion to a research project for my senior honor's thesis. I performed the necessary background research on leaf litter and B. sylvaticum, designed and setup the experiment, collected the data over 8 weeks, analyzed the results, and wrote up the entire experiment in the format of a professional paper. Abstract and introduction available only. No tables/graphs.

A Review on Plant Hybridization and Invasion

A review paper summarizing one of the methods some plants use to invade new ranges: hybridization. 

Tardigrade Survival Poster

Constructed for my invertebrate zoology final.

Group Security in Western Painted Turtles

A research paper on group security in Western Painted Turtles conducted at the zoo in Portland/ Oregon. Text only.

Landslide Risk Maps of Portland/Oregon

Three landslide risk maps of the Portland Westhills. Created in ArcGis.

Tardigrade paper: Phylum Tardigrada

A paper on the interesting world of tardigrades, a lesser known phylum.

The Beak of the Finch: Book Review

A review of the book, The Beak of the Finch by Jonathon Weiner.

Evolution of Species as a Result of Climate Change (Latitudinal Variation in Australian Passerines)

A case study on Australian Passerine body size evolution due to anthropogenic climate change.

An Analysis on European Beachgrass of the Clatsop Dunes

Background on the pesky grass that covers the sand dunes on the Northern Oregon coast.

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